

November 2022: The longest story ever... four years and many journals, but now everyone can read a fantastic story about phenotypic adjustment in energy saving by bats in Oikos.


November 2022: Clara's first PhD chapter gets accepted at Ecology and Evolution.


August 2022: Space use and personality in hares was accepted by Movement Ecology... BioMove on the move.


April 2022: The landscape of fear has individual layers, published in Oikos.


January 2022: Finally it will be out - chipmunk exploration types vary in niche specialisation, accepted by American Naturalist!


October 2021: American Naturalist accepted our modelling POLS study!


September 2021: Frontiers accepted our neophobia study!


September 2021: Ecology Letters accepted our new concept and measure to quantify cascading effects of foraging behaviour on  biodiversity (DivGUD).


November 2020: We got the cover of Oikos, with a spider though.


August 2020: Of city and village mice is finally out in Scientific Reports.


June 2020: Alex' first BioMove PhD chapter is accepted for publication in Oikos and became editor's choice!


March 2020: Our BioMove family paper is finally out in Biological Reviews!


January 2020: My niche is out!


December 2019: Annika's "My niche" paper got accepted at Proc R Soc B!


July 2019: After several decisions that turnt out to be risky Valeria's "risky decisions" paper is published in Scientific Reports!


May 2019: Uli's methods paper on inferring dynamic interactions from concurrent movement data got accepted at MEE!


March 2019: Annika's first PhD paper and our first BioMove paper is out!


A summary (in German) of our current research was published in Portal Wissen, University of Potsdam, 02/2018, pp. 48-53 - "Jedes Tier ist anders: Biologinnen erforschen das individuelle Verhalten von Kleinsäugern".


Press release to Valeria's paper (in German):

Schnell oder flexibel? – Zusammenhang von Lernstil und Persönlichkeit bei Tieren.


Save the date - we are organising the meeting of the Ethological Society Feb 21-23 2024.





For my new team at the University of Münster I am searching MSc candidates for projects on individual niche specialisation.