
For pdfs please see my profile at Researchgate or contact me.



Submitted Manuscripts



Ganzhorn, J.U., ..., Dammhahn, M. et al. (under review) Facilitated forest restoration by pioneer seed dispersers in Madagascar: the example of Microcebus spp.


Richter, H., Caspers, B., Dammhahn, M. & Kaiser, S. (under review) Animal research revisited – why studying animal behaviour is different.


Wlodarz, M.M., Wuntke, B. & Dammhahn, M. (in review) What makes a prime nesting site? Breeding habitat choice and prey-species preferences in barn owls in Eastern Germany.


Ross, J., Fröhlich, S., Müller, K., Dammhahn, M. & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (under review) Reaping the hormonal rewards: investigating the role of sex hormones and cognitive performance in healthy older adults.



Peer-Reviewed Publications



Erixon, F., Eccard, J.A., Hunecke, R. & Dammhahn, M. (2024) A behavioral syndrome of competitiveness in a non-social rodent. Behavioural Ecoogy and Sociobiology 78:98.


Berry, P., Dammhahn, M., Hauptfleisch, M., Hering, R, Kraus, A., Jansen, J. & Blaum, N. (2024) African dryland antelope alter behaviour-specific time allocation and energy expenditure in response to heat in a changing climate. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11455.


Pohle, J., Singer, J., Eccard J.A., Dammhahn, M. & Schlägel, U. (2024) How to account for behavioural states in step-selection analysis: a model comparison. PeerJ 12: e16509.


Schüßler, D., [...], Dammhahn, M. et al. (2024) Morphological variability or inter-observer bias? A methodological toolkit to improve data quality of multiresearcher datasets for the analysis of morphological variation. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 183: 60-78.



Hermanussen, M., Dammhahn, M., Scheffler, C. & Groth, D. (2023) Winner-loser effects improve social network efficiency among competitors with equal resource holding power. Scientific Reports 13: 14439.


Ferreira, C., Dammhahn, M. & Eccard, J.A. (2023) So many choices, so little time: food preference and movement vary with landscape of fear. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10330.


Berry, P., Dammhahn, M. & Blaum, N. (2023) Keeping cool on warm days: Activity responses of African antelope to heat extremes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1172303.


Reusch, C.*, Scheuerlein, A.*, Grosche, L., Meier, F., Gampe, J., Dammhahn, M., van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2023) The risk faced by the early bat: individual plasticity and mortality costs of the timing of spring departure after hibernation. Oikos: e09654 (*shared first authorship).



Ferreira, C., Dammhahn, M. & Eccard, J.A. (2022) Landscapes of fear as an equalising mechanism for resource diversity. Ecology and Evolution 2: e9523.


Stiegler, J., Lins, A., Dammhahn, M., Eccard, J.A., Kramer-Schadt, S., Ortmann, S., Blaum, N. (2022) Personality drives activity and space use in a mammalian herbivore. Movement Ecology 10: 33.


Dammhahn, M., Lange, P. & Eccard, J.A. (2022) The landscape of fear has individual layers: an experimental test of among-individual differences in perceived predation risk during foraging. Oikos 2022: e09124.


Gharnit, E., Dammhahn, M., Garant, D. & Réale, D. (2022) Ecological and behavioural determinants of individual diet specialization. American Naturalist 200: 1-16.


Eccard, J.A., Herde, A., Schuster, A., Liesenjohann, T., Knopp, T., Heckel, G. & Dammhahn, M. (2022) Fitness, risk taking and spatial behaviour covary with animal personality in experimental vole populations. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8521.


Milles, A., Dammhahn, M., Schlägel, U., Jeltsch, F. & Grimm, V. (2022) Fluctuations in density-dependent selection drive the evolution of a pace-of-life-syndrome in populations. American Naturalist 199: E124-E139.


Eccard, J.A., Ferreira, C., Pereiro Arce, A. & Dammhahn, M. (2022) Top-down effects of foraging decisions on local, landscape and regional biodiversity of resources (DivGUD). Ecology Letters 25: 3-16.



Mazza, V., Czyperreck, I., Eccard, J.E. & Dammhahn, M. (2021) Cross-context responses to novelty in rural and urban small mammals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 661971.



Eccard, J.A., Liesenjohann, T. & Dammhahn, M. (2020) Among-individual differences in foraging behavior modulate resource exploitation under perceived predation risk. Oecologia 194: 621-634.


Steinhoff, P. O. M., Warfen, B., Voigt, S., Uhl, G. & Dammhahn, M. (2020) Individual differences in risk-taking affect foraging across different landscapes of fear. Oikos 129: 1891-1902.

(with cover image)


Mazza, M.*, Dammhahn, M.*, Lösche, E. & Eccard, J.A. (2020) Small mammals in the big city: behavioural adjustments of non-comensal rodents to urban environments. Global Change Biology 26: 6326-6337. (*shared first authorship)


Dammhahn, M.*, Mazza, M.*, Schirmer, A., Göttsche, C. & Eccard, J.A. (2020) Of city and village mice: behavioural adjustments of striped-field mice to urban environments. Scientific Reports 10: 13056. (*shared first authorship)


Milles, A., Dammhahn, M. & Grimm, V. (2020) Intraspecific trait variation in personality-related movement behavior promotes coexistence. Oikos 129: 1441-1454.

(Editor's choice)


Schlägel, U., Grimm, V., Blaum, N., Colangeli, P., Dammhahn, M., Eccard, J.A., Hausmann, S., Herde, A., Hofer, H., Joshi, J., Kramer-Schadt, S., Litwin, M., Lozada Gobilard, S.D., Müller, M., Müller, T., Nathan, R., Petermann, J., Pirhofer-Walzl, K., Radchuk, V., Rillig, M., Roeleke, M., Schäfer, M., Scherer, C., Schiro, G., Scholz, C., Teckentrup, L., Tiedemann, R., Ullmann, W., Voigt, C., Weithoff, G. & Jeltsch, F. (2020) Movement-mediated community assembly and coexistence in the Anthropocene. Biological Reviews 95: 1073-1096.


Schirmer, A., Hoffmann J., Eccard, J.A. & Dammhahn, M. (2020) My niche: within species spatial niche specialisation affects within and between species interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20192211.



Mazza, V., Dammhahn, M., Eccard, J.A., Palme, R., Zaccaroni, M. & Jacob, J. (2019) Coping with style: individual differences in responses to environmental variation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:142.


Mazza, V., Jacob, J., Dammhahn, M., Zaccaroni, M. & Eccard, J.A. (2019) Risky decisions: individual variation in cognitive style reflects foraging and anti-predatory decisions in a small mammal. Scientific Reports 9: 10157.


Schlägel, U., Signer, J., Herde, A., Eden, S., Jeltsch, F., Eccard, J.A. & Dammhahn, M. (2019) Estimating interactions between individuals from concurrent animal movements. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 1234-1245.


Schirmer, A., Herde, A., Eccard, J.A. & Dammhahn, M. (2019) Individuals in space: personality-dependent space use, movement and microhabitat use facilitate individual spatial niche specialisation. Oecologia 189: 647-660.



Montiglio, P.-O., Dammhahn, M., Dubuc-Messier, G. & Réale, D. (2018) The pace-of-life syndrome revisited: the role of ecological conditions and natural history on the slow-fast continuum. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 116.


Dammhahn, M., Dingemanse, J.N., Niemelä, P.T. & Réale, D. (2018) Pace-of-life syndromes: a framework for the adaptive integration of behaviour, physiology and life-history. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 62.


Lehmann, A., Eccard, J.A., Scheffler, C., Kurvers, R.H.J.M. & Dammhahn, M. (2018) Under pressure: human adolescents express a pace-of-life syndrome. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 57.


Mazza, V., Eccard, J.A., Zaccaroni, M., Jacob, J. & Dammhahn, M. (2018) The fast and the flexible: cognitive style drives individual variation in cognition in a small mammal. Animal Behaviour 137: 119-132.



Scheffler, C. & Dammhahn, M. (2017) Feminization of the fat distribution pattern of children and adolescents in a recent German population. American Journal of Human Biology 29: e23017.


Eccard, J.A., Dammhahn, M., & Ylönen, H. (2017) The Bruce effect revisited: is pregnancy termination in female rodents an adaptation to ensure breeding success in pairs in low density phases? Oecologia 185: 81-94.


Dammhahn, M., Randriamoria, T.M. & Goodman, S.M. (2017) Niche differentiation using stable isotopes between invasive non-native Rattus spp. in anthropogenic and natural habitats of central eastern Madagascar. BMC Ecology 17:16.


Dammhahn, M., Landry-Cuerrier, M., Réale, D., Garant, D. & Humphries, M.M. (2017) Individual variation in energy-saving heterothermy affects survival and reproductive success. Functional Ecology 31: 866–875.

[Summary in Outside JEB: Nowack, J. (2017) Torpor variation: Too much hibernation isn’t always good for you. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 1167-1168.] 



Vuarin, P., Dammhahn, M., Kappeler, P.M. & P.Y. Henry (2015) When to initiate torpor use? Food availability times the transition to winter phenotype in a tropical heterotherm. Oecologia 179: 43–53.


Pechouskova, E., Dammhahn, M., Brameier, M., Fichtel, C., Kappeler, P.M. & Huchard, E. (2015) MHC class II variation in a rare and ecological specialist mouse lemur reveals lower allelic richness and contrasting selection patterns compared to a generalist and widespread sympatric congener. Immunogenetics 67:229-245.


Dammhahn, M., Rakotondramanana, C.F. & Goodman, S.M. (2015) Coexistence of morphologically similar bats (Family Vespertilionidae) on Madagascar: stable isotopes reveal fine-grained niche differentiation among cryptic species. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31:153-164.


Hämäläinen, A., Dammhahn, M., Aujard, F. & Kraus, C. (2015) Losing grip: Senescent decline in physical strength in a small-bodied primate in captivity and in the wild. Experimental Gerontology 61: 54-61.



Hämäläinen, A., Dammhahn, M., Eberle, M., Schliehe-Diecks, S., Perret, M., Aujard, F., Hardy, I., Kappeler, P.M. & Kraus, C. (2014) Senescence or selective disappearance? Age trajectories of body mass in wild and captive populations of a small-bodied primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20140830.


Dittmann, M., Dammhahn, M., & Kappeler, P.M. (2014) The impact of selective logging on behavior and ecology of Aphaenogaster swammerdami (Formicidae): 20 years later – a happy ant? Malagasy Nature 8: 35-48.


Dammhahn, M., Goodman, S.M. (2014) Trophic niche differentiation and microhabitat utilization revealed by stable isotope analyses in a Malagasy dry forest bat community. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30: 9-109.


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2014) Stable isotope analyses reveal dense trophic species packing and clear niche differentiation in a Malagasy primate community. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153: 249-259.


Dammhahn, M., Markolf, M., Lührs, M.-L., Thalmann, U. & Kappeler, P.M. (2014) The primates of the Forêt de Beanka (Melaky, Maintirano) in western Madagascar. Malagasy Nature, 7: 259-270.



Vuarin, P., Dammhahn, M., & Henry, P.-Y. (2013) Individual flexibility in energy saving: body size and condition constrain torpor use. Functional Ecology 27: 793-799.


Lührs, M.-L., Dammhahn, M., & Kappeler, P.M. (2013) Strength in numbers: males in a carnivore grow bigger when they associate and hunt cooperatively. Behavioural Ecology, 24: 21-28.

(Editors choice and with cover image)


Dammhahn, M., Soarimalala, V. & Goodman, S.M. (2013) Trophic niche differentiation and microhabitat utilization in a species-rich montane forest small mammal community of eastern Madagascar. Biotropica 45:111-118.


Dammhahn, M., & Kappeler, P.M. (2013) Seasonality and behavioral energy strategies of Microcebus berthae and M. murinus. In: “Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology” edited by Masters, J., Génin, F., Gamba, F., chapter 24, 215-223.



Dammhahn, M., & Almeling, L. (2012) Is risk taking during foraging a personality trait? A field test for cross-context consistency in boldness. Animal Behaviour, 84: 1131-1139.


Dammhahn, M. (2012) Are personality differences in a small iteroparous mammal maintained by a life-history trade-off? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 2645-2651.



Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2010) Scramble or contest competition over food in solitary foraging mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.): new insights from stable isotope analyses. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141: 181-189. (chapter of my PhD)


Lührs, M.-L., & Dammhahn, M. (2010) An unusual case of cooperative hunting in a solitary carnivore. Journal of Ethology 28: 379-383.



Lührs, M-L., Dammhahn, M., Kappeler, P.M. & Fichtel, C. (2009) Spatial memory in grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Animal Cognition 12: 599-609.


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2009) Females go where the food is: does the socio-ecological model explain variation in social organisation of solitary foragers? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 939-952. (chapter of my PhD)



Dammhahn, M. (2008) Ecological determinants of social systems – comparative and experimental feeding ecology of two sympatric mouse lemur species (Microcebus berthae and M. murinus). Dissertation, University of Göttingen.


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2008) Comparative feeding ecology of sympatric mouse lemurs (Microcebus berthae, M. murinus). International Journal of Primatology 29: 1567-1589. (chapter of my PhD)


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2008) Small-scale coexistence of two mouse lemur species (Microcebus berthae and M. murinus) within a homogeneous competitive environment. Oecologia 157: 473-483. (chapter of my PhD)



Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2005) Social system of Microcebus berthae, the world’s smallest primate. International Journal of Primatology 26: 407-436. (my Diploma thesis)



Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications


Dammhahn, M. & Pyritz, L.W. (2012) Relikte, Strandgut und Irrflieger - Ursachen und Besonderheiten der Biodiversität Madagaskars. In: Von Makis und Menschen. Madagaskar. Geschichte, Kultur und biologische Forschung im Land der Lemuren. Pyritz, L.W. (Ed.) Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 3-8.


Dammhahn, M. (2012) Book review: Anne M. Burrows & Leanne T. Nash: The evolution of exudativory in primates. International Journal of Primatology 33:282-283.


Benesch, A. Griefahn, B. & Dammhahn, M. (2010) Light: the pacemaker of life. In: Loss of the night: transdisciplinary research on light pollution. Hölker, F. & Tockner K. (Eds.) Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Berlin.


Dammhahn, M., Schäffler, L., Fichtel, C. & Kappeler, P.M. (2010) Rapid lemur survey in northern Menabe. Lemur News 14: 13-16.


Benesch, A. Griefahn, B. & Dammhahn, M. (2009) Licht: wenn der Taktgeber das Leben aus dem Rhythmus bringt. Zwischenruf Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1/2009, 12-17.


Dammhahn, M. & Schwibbe, M. (2007): Den Lemuren auf den Spuren. Afrika Post 2/2007, 60-63.


Dammhahn, M. (2003) Das Sozialsystem des kleinsten Primaten der Welt, Microcebus berthae. Diploma thesis, University of Tübingen.